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We Found Miss Beryl’s Mother… Kamala Lied Again! | Candace Ep 89
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What else you may like…
Shot In The Dark Ep.2 | Shot It’s Just A Vitamin: Vitamin K

Cancer rates in young American children rose 37%. Candace investigates link between increased childhood vaccines and cancer. Conflicting FDA and CDC claims on vaccine ingredient Vitamin K lead Candace to analyze the synthetic vitamin.

Shot In The Dark Ep.1 | Gardasil & HPV

Despite the increase in childhood vaccines, US ranked 24th in infant mortality in 2019. Candace questions if more vaccines improve health, relating her experience with the HPV vaccine.

I am free.

It’s time to build. Thank you all for supporting me on this journey.

Selena Gomez Cries & More Ryan Reynolds' Lies | Candace Ep 139

I got the email from Candace about my subscription switching over from locals to her Candace website for $16.99/month. I think that’s more than I pay on here now…

Given some local users’ concerns about the amount of content on here, is anyone concerned the website will be the same? Or do we expect more content? Also, does anyone know if we can change the amount of what we give monthly or is it a minimum of $16.99/month?

Thanks for any feedback!

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Huge Announcement... Almost!
Something big is coming soon...

Hi Club Candace,

Happy Monday! For those of you who can take a break from the latest hottest news coming to you from Candace’s Podcast Studio, we thought we’d share something truly exciting with you.
Firstly - THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT! More will be coming in the next couple of days, including where to go and how to sign up. This is just letting everyone know what is about to happen.
As all of you know, when we became independent last year we set up Locals to help build a subscriber base as well as provide a home where we could place premium content. For the past ten months, Locals has been a fantastic place to house some of our ‘Too Hot For YouTube’ content, as well as a community forum for those who want to talk about all things Candace
However, for the past few months we have been building our own video and subscription platform that will be the one central home for all things Candace. It's coming this week...
What do we mean by this? We mean:
- A Shot in the Dark, returning with Season 1 already available to premium subscribers, and new seasons already filmed and ready to go
- The all new, Candace Book Club, available to premium subscribers or Book Club only subscribers
- A custom built Livestream player for Candace’s podcast on the new site, free of big tech programmatic ads or censorship
- A new look Club Candace merchandise store
- A brand new comments section for Candace’s videos
- New ways to connect with Candace, like links to Minnect, as well as booking forms for those who want to get Candace to speak
- A video library of all of Candace’s content, including premium content that the major tech platforms took down.
All this and more coming….
This means that we are now really rewarding those who have supported us on Locals with top tier premium content, and a new beautiful home for all things Candace that will only get better with time.
But, as a result, we will be shutting down our Locals page this week and migrating all our paying supporters to the new site. As of now, we are no longer accepting new paying supporters on Locals, if you are NOT a paying supporter on Locals, you will have to create a new account on the new site once it is announced. Paying subscribers will have their subscriptions migrated, you will receive an email about this in the next couple of days.
This will also mean that from tomorrow, we will start to slowly shutdown Locals and Locals content ahead of the new site launch later this week. As a result, there may be one or two days of disruption - THIS IS TO BE EXPECTED.
DO NOT WORRY! We will be sending plenty of communications about the new site and everyone who has been a paying supporter will be transferred over to the new site when it goes live.
All this to say, exciting things are happening and this is going to be a big week.
Much love,
Team Candace
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End of year sale for all members

Club Candace Family!

In thanks for all our supporters help this year, we're offering 10% off all merchandise (except for signed copies of BLACKOUT) in the Club Candace store using discount code CCLOCAL10.

Head over to Club Candace to use your discount code now and get some end of year merch!

Thank you for all your support and see y'all in 2025.

Paying supporters you get something extra...


Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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Christmas Merch - Updated Link
Oops! Our bad..


Thanks to all those who pointed out yesterday that our link to the Chrismas Merch store was broken. Our bad on that one..

Here's an updated link for everyone:

And a reminder, only 10 days of pre-Christmas shipping left.

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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