Thanks to all those who pointed out yesterday that our link to the Chrismas Merch store was broken. Our bad on that one..
Here's an updated link for everyone: www.clubcandace.com
And a reminder, only 10 days of pre-Christmas shipping left.
Good morning @candaceowens,
I have been seeing a lot of reviews and other things about this Wicked movie. I believe it has some demonic messaging that they're trying to dress up as a good thing for children. There has been controversy off of the Wicked dolls because when you type in the website address on the back of the doll boxes, it goes to p*** website. And lastly, these women that play these witches, something is wrong with them. They're constantly holding each other hand and crying every time someone asks them a question. It really needs to be looked into. What is going on with these women. Are they together now? Did they do something insidious? What is happening what is causing these weird reactions when they're being interviewed about this movie?
Just wanted to throw that out there as this might be a great topic for a show. Something is going on behind the scenes with this wicked movie.
We appreciate you and keep speaking the truth.
Cancer rates in young American children rose 37%. Candace investigates link between increased childhood vaccines and cancer. Conflicting FDA and CDC claims on vaccine ingredient Vitamin K lead Candace to analyze the synthetic vitamin.
You have produced videos attempting to educate the public about demonic influence in music and Hollywood in general. I highly recommend you to reach out to a real exorcist and set up an interview. There are many interviews online to watch, but people have to search for them. Your megaphone reaches many who will never even consider that demonic possession is "still" a thing in our world, and not some biblical-era fantasy. One of the important findings will be that there are levels of demonic influence, with possession being the full-blown and final step. The people in the entertainment industry who are pushing out this music aren't in full-blown possession. At least not all the time. In fact, possessed people are never possessed all of the time. The second finding that can be reassuring is that God is in control of the possessing demons. He allows possession because from its bad can come good, and He won't interfere with our free will. The ways we can be exposed to ...
The “Susannah Operation,” aka Lavon Affair (1954), is when Jews bombed movie theaters, libraries, and American educational centers in Egypt killing six people, attacks that were then blamed on Egyptian groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood and communists. The goal of the Israeli false flag operation was to create instability in Egypt, forcing Britain to maintain its military presence in the Suez Canal region. However, the operation failed, and Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli Minister of War and alleged mastermind, was forced to resign.
Thanks to all those who pointed out yesterday that our link to the Chrismas Merch store was broken. Our bad on that one..
Here's an updated link for everyone: www.clubcandace.com
And a reminder, only 10 days of pre-Christmas shipping left.
Happy Friday y'all!
This Friday of Advent we wanted to let everyone know about our special Christmas merchandise that celebrates Christ, always being King, as well as a look back at some of our most talked about conversations during 2024.
Visit clubcandace.com to check it out!
There's also a special discount code.. only for supporters though!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Happy Monday everyone!
Recently we heard a very troubling story of an AI impersonator of Candace telling a Candace fan to send money in exchange for a VIP event ticket. PLEASE BE AWARE OF SCAMS!
Things that Candace will never do:
Please be very aware!
There are very sophisticated scam artists around who can manipulate voice data to make it sound like Candace is speaking.
Candace will only ever:
Please be very careful.
Thank you,
The Candace Team!